Sunday, August 22, 2010

How does google differ from other engines in the way it ranks sites?

I have a site which is number 1 on yahoo, msn, ask etc but for some reason i just can't get above page 3 on google. I know that nobobdy knows for sure how google rank sites but how come im number 1 everywhere else but just can't crack google?

How does google differ from other engines in the way it ranks sites?
yahoo does it in poularity, google does it in order of who pays them the most, msn and ask do other things like this. There are many types of these ranks.
Reply:There are many rules for SEO. If you break them then google will penalise you or remove you from the rankings. (cross linking, hidden links, links from other penalised sites etc etc)

Google's algo also gives more weight to backlinks than the other engines.

I could go on and on about other factors but these seem the most relevant to your case

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