What do u use ?? Google or Yahoo and why ??
I prefer Google
Google or Yahoo?
Google, it's a trusted, household name.
Reply:I use yahoo for everything except searching, I use the google search engine.
Reply:yahoo idk
Reply:google.its just plain old... BETTER
Reply:Depends,Google has added video to their websearch engine along with images, web, news, and maps. But Yahoo also has all of those but not as many things to each catagorie, Yahoo has music to weather and everything inbetween , they also have their own IM system, with e-mail, google just has e-mail(G-Mail)so I'd say my favorite for Information is Google, but for Media I'd go with Yahoo.
Reply:i use both
yahoo mail -- simple and easy
google search -- thats wat i've been used all the time
Reply:Yahoo. I just like the interface better
Reply:Google for search, Yahoo for Yahoo Answers =P
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